Official Website of Spencer Vann

An 8-figure entrepreneur who's given away hundreds of millions to people across America who needed it most.

Official Website of Spencer Vann

An 8-figure entrepreneur who's given away hundreds of millions to people across America who needed it most.


Estimated returned to Americans.


Students who believed in us.


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Who is Spencer Vann?

Spencer's story starts with his mother. Someone who's been a constant source of comfort and support for Spencer throughout his struggles.

Growing up, his mother shared with him her lifelong dream of buying and owning her own house. 

Wanting to help his mother achieve her dream, Spencer began studying real estate, and eventually closed his first big wholesale deal at the young age of 17. He became a full-time real estate agent at 18 and continued to study the industry for another 2-3 years until he discovered Surplus Funds.

Despite his success in real estate, Spencer's true passion lay in helping others. He reached out to another sales expert and together they founded, a business dedicated to helping homeowners reclaim the money from their foreclosed homes. 

With his hard work and dedication, Spencer has reunited many families with their rightful funds and helped countless entrepreneurs start and grow their own surplus funds' recovery business.

Learn more below.

Connect with Spencer Vann on his most active social media channels and gain a deep insight into his teachings, lessons and lifestyle. The accounts below are the only verified and unique accounts for Spencer.  




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